Smart LED Streetlight Technology


All-In-One. Solar & Wind Powered Lighting with Monitoring, Surveillance and Communication Capability. 

Smart lighting platform, cost saving, energy efficient, carbon reducing Intelligent Lighting with hybrid wind and solar with battery backed energy.

By harnessing solar and wind power our core product is able to provide LED street lighting, managed by a smart controller, and integral wireless surveillance and monitoring services as additional features.

Designed for optimal energy savings, it is an ideal extendible platform for applications such as communications, smart-city connectivity, emergency alert systems, analytics, and many more future technologies currently under development.

The aim is to provide smart technology to benefit nearby pedestrians, while reducing our carbon footprint and helping to address climate change and environmental damage.

Watch our video below

Carbon reducing Intelligent Lighting

The Smart Light features hybrid wind and solar energy generation with battery backed energy.


Our customised LEDs utilise the latest long life, high luminosity technology as used in vehicle headlamps.


Optional, quick to install, customisable, 360 degree, thermal and optical CCTV surveillance and traffic monitoring.


Analytic sensor monitoring with intelligent sensors and a user customised dashboard.


Wireless SIM and 4G technologies provide expandable communication hubs and networked infrastructure.

Product Overview

AiOt-V01(Industrial – 1200mm) /AiOt-S01(Standard – 900mm) are external LED streetlights managed by a Smart Controller and powered by Lead Crystal Batteries which are recharged by renewable solar and wind energy. Our solution has a unique in-house designed enclosure to maximise air flow for our customised eco-fan.

The smart controller is remotely configurable via A-iOt’s custom cloud based web management software. To save energy we use motion detection whereby the lights will only be on full power when required. Our intelligent platform can be retrofitted onto existing lighting poles or used in a green field situation with a new pole.

As the LED’s are used at night our custom solar panel will recharge the battery during the day and combined with the built-in wind turbine, this will be enough to recharge the battery daily.

Click here to enquire about our Smart LED Streetlight Technology

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